Vletto Lifestyle Design for 2025

Vletto Lifestyle Design for 2025

This past year, I reflected on my life, as anybody would. This year, I have decide to start a digital journal to publicly record my journey of building an online brand. chosen to craft a personal brand that mirrors my core values and purpose. Inspired by Tom Noske’s Instagram and Youtube content, which showcases the power of authenticity and sharing one’s journey, I’m giving myself the freedom to explore new avenues. I’ll be vocal about my goals for 2025, encouraging you to design your dream lifestyle for 2025.


Create Anti-Visions

Every compelling story has its antagonist, and every impactful brand knows what it’s running from. My anti-vision is broken down into pillars of the worst possible outcomes; it’s a clear, relatable story that can drive your content creation. So, what do you dread the most? For me, it’s the fear of never tapping into my creative potential, being trapped in fear of judgement from others that crushes my freedom and expression. The nightmare scenario is living as a “starving artist,” always worrying about money, which in turn, stifles my creativity.


Using fear as a motivation method, I believe that disruption and intensity are powerful driving forces for change. Looking back at my darkest moments, I remember times when it felt like I was stuck, not moving towards my aspirations, the disappointment of losing money on business ideas that did not pan out. I have experienced the frustration of possessing immense value but not knowing how to communicate it effectively to others. By sharing these challenges, we forge a common adversary for my followers, steering them clear from a life devoid of creative expression, personal fulfilment, and financial stability. My anti-vision concept was inspired by Dan Koe and the Kortex community.


Building and Tracking My Creative Routines


To be a great creative that people are constantly talking about, it takes time and dedication. So, I plan to consistently carve out time each day so that it becomes a habit. My developer built me a custom web app that requires special installation; it’s not particularly remarkable, I simply prefer dedicating one app to a single specific function. Google Sheet, or Notion works well. 


At the conclusion of each cycle, I evaluate my progress and reflect on my journey. If I miss sticking to a habit, I look forward to improving in the next cycle rather than dwelling on the setback. The magic of this habit tracker lies in the fresh start it offers with each new cycle. It’s perfectly normal if some habits don’t take hold right away; discovering what truly suits us takes time. Keeping a score table of the good versus the bad, that can be reviewed if a slip up happens, to avoid being too hard on myself.

As James Clear wisely notes, ‘Forget about setting goals. Focus on systems instead. The purpose of setting goals is to win the game. The purpose of building systems is to continue playing the game.’


Only Consume to Create


If I am going to endlessly doom scroll, I am going to have my video vault on Notion open to keep as a form of mood board that I can go back to for inspiration and ideas. We often consume more than we produce. All the concepts we gather are essentially wasted if we don’t translate them into something impactful. That’s why next year, I want to remix new ideas and styles  to enhance my skills in content creation and managing personal knowledge.


To transition from merely collecting information to actively creating, I analyse my intake of content and compile significant insights into my own Content OS, space where I am able to structure them to fit my videos, designs and X posts. Crafting it was not only enjoyable but also a wonderful way to practice building a digital product! If you enjoy note-taking, think about making your notes public.


Write Frequently

I’ve avoided this for a very long time, mistakenly believing that anyone can do it, but copywriting goes far beyond just typing words to friends. It is not just a skill but a powerful tool for influence and connection. Copywriting is a tool for one to sell to many. Good writing clarifies your thoughts and shapes your brand’s identity. Writing is now a part of my creative routines and employing time blocking techniques to ensure consistency. 


Be More Minimalistic 

Minimalism varies in meaning from person to person, and that’s perfectly fine. For me, it involves reducing my possessions and steering clear of unnecessary purchases. Many people in the modern seem to have reached a dead end, overly focused on material possessions that we abandoned the spiritual, stripping life of its essence. Our connections—to objects, people, and existence itself—have become hollow. We engage in countless activities, earn substantial amounts, and pursue numerous goals under the illusion they’ll bring satisfaction, yet we remain unfulfilled. This absence of love, vitality, and purpose marks our current state. The path forward lies in tolerance and patience, understanding that it takes time to make things happen.


Key Mindsets for the Future:

  1. Steer clear of busy work that lacks substance
  2. Incorporate mental frameworks into your everyday decisions
  3. Remember that your value isn’t tied to your job
  4. Stay open to experimenting with new experiences
  5. Accept and learn from setbacks

That’s the gist! I hope this inspires you to create your unique lifestyle in 2025. Challenges and unknowns will come, but what counts is how you navigate and enrich your life.







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